Friday, November 30, 2012

Recent study suggests more protein = more weight loss

According to a recent article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who follow high-protein diets may have more success losing weight than those who eat less protein and more carbohydrates. Researchers pooled results from 24 past trials that put subjects on reduced-calorie, low-fat diets. Half of the subjects were assigned to a high-protein diet (on average, about 120 grams of protein per day), while the other half consumed a standard-protein diet (on average, about 67 grams per day).
Both diets had an average energy intake, for males and females, of 1,550 calories per day, says study author Thomas Wycherley, Ph.D., a postdoctoral research fellow from the University of South Australia in Adelaide. But over an average of 12 weeks, people who followed the high-protein diet lost 1.7 pounds more than those in the standard-protein group.
You may lose more weight on a high-protein diet because your body spends more energy processing dietary protein than it does carbohydrates, Wycherley says.
Think of it this way: If you eat 100 calories of protein, your body will burn about 20 to 30 of those calories while processing the protein, says Wycherley. Compare that to 100 calories of carbs, and your body only burns about 5 to 10 calories.
Another reason for the weight loss may be because protein helps preserve muscle mass. And since muscle mass burns more calories than other types of mass, the additional calorie burn could result in a decrease in weight.
Herbalife offers various ways to add extra protein to your diet. To find out more, please visit our site:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tips to avoid overeating this Holiday

The following is a very informative and helpful article written by Susan Bowerman
 Fast eater?  5 tips to help you slow down from Susan BowermanEating more slowly and mindfully can help you control how much you eat. Here are my favorite five tips for fast eaters to help you slow down and regain control.
A friend and I were swapping stories about last week’s Thanksgiving feast, and she mentioned to me that her uncle was the fastest eater she’d ever seen. When she was a little girl, she used to think her uncle was a magician – it seemed to her as if one minute he had food on his plate, and the next minute… zap!… his food had simply vanished.  One Thanksgiving, her aunt set a mirror infront of his dinner plate, thinking that he might just slow down if he watched himself shoveling it in.  Instead, he simply sat down – and complimented his wife on the creative table decor.
Eating quickly isn’t just a ‘table manners’ issue.  When you eat too fast, you don’t give your brain a chance to let you know when to stop, so it’s easier to overeat.  Fast eaters may not chew their food thoroughly – and they swallow a lot of air while they’re gulping it down – so it’s no wonder that speed eating can lead to indigestion.
Some recommended techniques to help you slow down seem downright silly – one old diet book I have on my shelf says that you should get really, really up close and personal with your food before you swallow it, suggesting that you “bring the slice of steak up to your nose, but don’t eat it just yet.  Instead, inhale deeply, taking in its aroma.  Now bring it to your lips but don’t nibble it just yet, just take a lick…”  Well, you get the idea.   I can’t imagine anyone taking this technique seriously….not to mention that it’s probably best practiced alone, in the privacy of one’s own home.
I don’t know anyone who benefited from eating in front of a mirror, either, nor do I know anyone who has – in their quest to slow themselves down – managed to sustain the habit of eating with children’s utensils or counting how many times they chew each bite.  But that’s not to say that “once a speed eater, always a speed eater”.  There are some practical things you can do to slow down your eating and rid yourself of that fast eater habit – without embarrassing yourself.

Eat in courses

Instead of serving all your food at one time, try eating in courses. Start your meal with a salad or a light soup first, or you might just try having your vegetables first.  When you start with the lowest calorie food, you’ll start to fill up on  fewer calories.

Set the mood

Soft lighting and slow music can help to slow the pace of your eating. The only downside is that you might linger at the table longer – so keep serving dishes off the table so you’re not tempted to ‘have just another bite’.

Eat foods at the proper temperature

We’ve all had those times when we’re so eager to eat, we zap some leftovers in the microwave until they’re just warm enough to be appealing – but not so hot that they can’t be eaten quickly.  On the other hand, when foods are piping hot (or – when it’s appropriate – nice and cold), you eat them more slowly.  It’ll take you longer to sip on any icy-cold protein shake that’s been made with frozen fruit than one that’s simply mixed together in a glass.  And if you have to blow on each spoonful of hot soup, it’ll slow your pace, too.

Don’t load your fork until you’ve swallowed the previous bite.

Next time you’re at the table with a fast eater, take note – at the same time they’re chewing one bite, their fork is usually locked and loaded for the next one.  If this sounds like you, here’s your mantra:  chew, swallow, load fork, repeat.

Take a half-time break.

About halfway through your meal, take a breather.  Sip some water, keep the conversation flowing, but just stop eating for a few minutes.  Then take a hunger reading.  You might be pleasantly surprised to find that you’re comfortable and satisfied – and that you’ve crossed the finish line.

Written by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD. Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Slow and steady.....

During your journey to better health, remember the story of the The Tortoise and the Hare. Whether your goal is weight loss or muscle gain, both are achieved through slow and steady effort. Sometimes people expect instant results, and they'll try to obtain it through drastic measures. They may reduce their calories to an extremely low level, or work out fanatically. They will eventually suffer burnout and therefore fail in their fitness goals. Success is achieved through consistency and time. If you follow a solid nutritional plan and exercise regimen, you will achieve your goals! Herbalife makes the nutritional aspect easy. Their 24 line is custom tailored to your specific goals. For more information, feel free to visit our site. Good luck!

Visit our store here!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wellness Coaches needed!

How would you like to work with a multinational company with 2 million distributors worldwide? A company that ...
  • Is listed on the New York Stock Exchange
  • Has over 4 BILLION in Annual Sales
  • Is a recognized global brand
  • Features the most lucrative compensation plan in the industry
  • Utilizes proven methods of operationto fit your style

Imagine the possibilities. Are you ready?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Herbalife Welcomes Bosnia

"We are pleased to announce Bosnia as our 86th market, effective
November 19, 2012.
This is the 49th market in our Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
region, led by Senior Vice President and Managing Director Edi
Hienrich, and continues our expansion in this important sub-region,
under the direction of Marco Brandolini, vice president, Southern
Europe and Africa, and Ivica Vlastelica, country director, South Eastern
There is a Sales Center in the capital city of Sarajevo.
Products available at opening include Formula 1 Healthy Meal
Nutritional Shake Mix in all flavors, Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex,
Personalized Protein Powder, Herbal Tea Concentrate and many other
nutrition and Personal Care products.
There has never been a better time to be a part of Herbalife as we go
wider and deeper and continue our focus on building it better."