Friday, August 31, 2012

Our Herbalife website

For those of you reading my blog, please feel free to browse our Herbalife Website. You can learn all about the Herbalife products. If you are interested in the business aspect of Herbalife, you will find information on that as well. In the short time I have been a part of Herbalife, I have really come to enjoy a lot of their products.

p.s. If, after viewing the site, you want more information, just send us an email and we'll get back to you soon!

Contact Us

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Herbalife seminar

Yesterday, my wife and I went to an Herbalife training seminar. It was amazing! Herbalife is really pushing their new 24 line. Dr. John Heiss, the creator of the 24 line, was a guest speaker. I was blown away by the information presented. Several of their products, such as Rebuild Strength, Prolong and Prepare have been named best product in their class by Triathlete magazine. I will post more information in the coming days on these incredible products. Stay tuned......

Friday, August 10, 2012

Herbalife Success Stories

Adrienne V

Adrienne V.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Before: 147 pounds
23 pounds lost

How I Did it... Body Building

"I actually know the date when I first tried the Herbalife24 line, because it changed my life that much. I thought to myself, this is what I've been waiting for. As an athlete, I wasn't able to perform to full capacity before discovering the products. It helped me to reach my goal."

I've always eaten healthy food and I wasn't really that overweight; in fact, I was already pretty athletic. However, I wanted to take it to the next level. My goal was to compete as a body builder. But I just wasn't there yet. I tried other products, but just didn't get the results I wanted. In fact, they made me look like a football player. I looked horrible.

I actually know the date when I first tried the Herbalife24 line, because it changed my life that much. It made everything easier for me. I thought to myself, this is what I've been waiting for. As an athlete, I needed better nutrition to perform to my expectations. Herbalife24 products helped me to reach my goal of being leaner and meaner. And with a lot of work, I became a vascular body builder. Now I'm ripped and have six-pack abs. Because I worked so hard to get here, I'm incredibly careful about what I put into my body. I eat well, take my Herbalife supplements, and NEVER have a cheat day. I always tell people, "It's easy to get healthy, but you have to want it. You have to have the desire."

To get extreme results, you have to have extreme discipline and being willing to sacrifice. I work hard and I feel good. When I hit the gym, I'm going into war. It's me against the weights. But honestly, it's amazing how beautiful the results are when you have the burning desire. Now I'm looking forward to being a fitness model, thanks to Herbalife!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


There may be times along your journey to a healthier lifestyle that you may experience a setback. This could range from something as small as a "slip" in your diet, to an injury that hampers your ability to exercise. If you find yourself facing any type of setback, this is a good time to remind yourself of your ultimate goal. Do not fall into the trap of negative thinking...."well, I all ready slipped up...might as well have dessert now!" Instead, use this as a motivational tool to take a step back, re-evaluate your goals, and re-focus! Remember, consistency over time WILL yield results. Remain can do it!
