Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New Seasonal Flavor....Mint Chocolate!

Formula 1 Healthy Meal Mint Chocolate

Treat yourself this winter season to the cool, fresh taste of a Formula 1 Mint Chocolate shake. This delicious, easy-to-make shake is packed with 21 vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. Weight management never tasted so good


  1. i also would like to try this flavor too but this flavour is not available in malaysia.can i get this from u?

  2. Nury Alias, yes you can order it from me. Please visit my store and click "new customer" under the log in to shop section (upper left of page). Once I accept your email, you can order directly through my site. The Mint Chocolate is delicious!

  3. p.s. I am currently running a special offer, 10% off all orders of $50 or more. The coupon code is Springsavings.
